New Year Resolution for all

New Year Resolution for all

Happy New Year to all.   This is my first blog and hopefully there are many more to follow.  Every year individuals have an opportunity for a restart.  It can be on one's birth date, or any day of the year, but more likely it is on January 1 of each new year.   This is a great time to stop, re-evaluate the direction you are going in and make changes if need be.

This is usually a time of hopefulness and possibilities so it is a time of energy and are more motivated to set new goals and to attempt to achieve those goals.  Whether it is taking better care of yourself in regard to health, or embarking on a new career or educational endeavor, or working on your relationships with important people in your life, now is the time to move on those positive feelings about making significant changes in your life.

As a counselor, and as a person, I too look at each new year as an opportunity to make changes, to improve my life and hopefully in the process to make the world around me a better place to live.  I have been blessed to have the knowledge and education that helps me to look at life and situations from a number of different angles which then helps me to make choices that are beneficial to me and good for the world around me.   I hope that each of you has the ability to do that and/or at the very least someone in your life that can help you to do that.

Let this new year be another new beginning for changes you would like to see happen in your life.  Capitalize on your energy now.


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